當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 多模泵浦激光器 > Lumentum 4900系列 Uncooled Multimode Pump Module
產(chǎn)品名稱Lumentum 4900系列 Uncooled Multimode Pump Module
The Lumentum 4900 Series uncooled multimode pump modules simplify next-generation,
high-power erbium doped fber amplifer (EDFA) designs for CATV and FTTx applications by
eliminating the need for thermoelectric coolers and their control circuitry.
The 4900 Series builds upon the feld-proven success of the
Lumentum 4800 Series. The new pump features higher power in
a smaller, coolerless footprint with isolated electrical pins for
simplifed thermal and electrical management. Up to 10 W of
optical power from a 105 μm fber pigtail makes the 4900 Series
the ideal solution for the FTTx and CATV high-power EDFA
pumping market. In addition, the 4900 Series takes advantage of
existing global Lumentum infrastructure to combine a highly
reliable design with cost-effective manufacturing.